Are you a Girl or a Goddess?

 Session 3 of the Women’s Sexual Mystery- Awakening the Temple Priestess: The Art of Sensual Intelligence- is coming up!  If you are curious about Tantra and wanting to experience more eroticism in your relationships and in your life, this session is for you! Along with helping women open,  I offer Tantra pujas for couples.  My […]

Women need each other to heal

  This past weekend, on the eve of a lunar eclipse and full blood moon, women gathered together for session 2 of The Women’s Sexual Mystery School to intimately get to know our pelvic temples and reclaim the wisdom within our feminine organs. We began our day with partner yoga, looking into each other’s eyes, saying: […]

The Last Place I Ever Thought To Look

I learned yoni massage and pelvic release during my 3 year Tantra yoga certification program in the late ‘90s. But the profoundness of this work didn’t really sink in until recently, when last year I committed to my own daily pleasure practice, spending time with my lady Vagine for at least 30 minutes every day […]

Where do you meet your wildness?

Last night I had a dream a wild dog pup came to the basement door of my childhood home.  It looked like it had been through some shit, with bloody patches of fur missing and all skin and bones. The basement of my house growing up had big sliding glass doors that opened to a […]

Touch is Worth a Thousand Words

Dear Sister,  I feel you. I feel the tigress in you waiting to be loved by a man the way your heart desires.  I feel your longing to be deeply touched and met by a man beyond just sex. I feel your frustration that has almost turned you off to sex completely.  My question to […]

Are You in the Desire Seat?

What kind of relationship do you have with your desire? Do you trust your desire? Do you feel your desire and desirability flowing through your body on a regular basis or only in particular situations? Do you allow your desire to ignite the passion of your emotions or do you try to keep your emotions […]

What does Sexual Intimacy look like to You?

The other day I heard the old Foreigner song, “Feels like the first time.” As I belted out the lyrics like no one was listening, the romantic in me wondered if it was really possible to make love to the same person for years and for sex to always feel as amazing as the first […]

Let Your Desire Win

Every Woman Has A Million Dollar Magnet inside Her Yoni.  I don’t mean this in the “Pretty Woman” kind of way.   Let me explain. The other night at my lecture a young woman asked: “How do I create more abundance in my life through practicing pleasure?”  “Do you self pleasure?” I asked her. She shook […]

Shifting from Karma to Dharma

If you are a woman, you possess shamanic power. Because of your inherently receptive nature, because you are capable of giving birth, and because you experience death and rebirth through your body every moon cycle, you have direct access to the natural elemental powers that sustain all of life. Consider the acorn. It knows its […]

Why Fear is Your Best Friend

Nothing worthwhile comes without fear.  Fear is the gatekeeper of worthiness. For example, when we go after an impossible dream, we feel both our fear of failure and the awesome reality of our dream coming true. Our unlimited potential is always followed by our fear of the thought of actually realizing our potential. Why is […]

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