Fierce Feminine Shadow Work
It must be part of the cosmic joke that our liberation lies in the last place we’d think or want to look – our pain. Humans fear pain almost as much as we fear death. Fear and pain are two alleys we’d rather not walk down. But if you take a closer look, and see […]
The Awakening of Feminine Sexuality
I created the Women’s Sexual Mystery School with three specific goals in mind. 1) To return sexuality back to its sacred seat – not just the act, but sexual energy itself, which is the energy of Creation. 2) To expand our understanding of sexual energy beyond what happens in the bedroom to how our sexual […]
How to Have the Sex You Really Want
I’m always humbled to witness the courage of the women who come to me for private yoni work. I’m so in awe of their process and capacity to surrender. It’s cutting edge work. As one woman put it, “I’m so aware of the part of me that wants you in there, that wants to heal […]
How to Have Multidimensional Sex
The last session of the Women’s Sexual Mystery School included women ranging from ages 21 to 60 something. Our circle was a true representation of the Goddess, who is many ages and is ageless. Which led me to wonder, how does a woman cultivate agelessness? Traditionally, when a woman is given the compliment of being […]
Touch is Worth a Thousand Words
Dear Sister, I feel you. I feel the tigress in you waiting to be loved by a man the way your heart desires. I feel your longing to be deeply touched and met by a man beyond just sex. I feel your frustration that has almost turned you off to sex completely. My question to […]
What does Sexual Intimacy look like to You?
The other day I heard the old Foreigner song, “Feels like the first time.” As I belted out the lyrics like no one was listening, the romantic in me wondered if it was really possible to make love to the same person for years and for sex to always feel as amazing as the first […]
Let Your Desire Win
Every Woman Has A Million Dollar Magnet inside Her Yoni. I don’t mean this in the “Pretty Woman” kind of way. Let me explain. The other night at my lecture a young woman asked: “How do I create more abundance in my life through practicing pleasure?” “Do you self pleasure?” I asked her. She shook […]
If you want to make more money, find your G Spot
Lisa Citore here with another question for my ladies: What do you need to feel in order to make more money? If you answered pleasure… congratulations. You’re already on your way to making more money as we speak. I know what you’re thinking. You work. You go to school. Many of you have kids. Mine’s […]
Do You Feel Free?
Dear Sister, I have an important question for you: Do you feel totally free? And if not, where in your life do you desire more freedom? Here’s the truth: the foundational nature of the feminine is freedom. Yet due to the roles women play at home and at work, many of us do not feel […]
The Secret to Even Better Orgasms
I’ve been teased about being obsessed with my vagina. A friend of mine once told me at a party that before introducing his date to me, he whispered in her ear, “Watch, she’s going to be talking about her vagina.” And as predicted, I was! I’ve attended many vagina-related workshops, where I was instructed to […]