The Darker Side of Pleasure and Light from Unexpected Places

I have a similar relationship with sexual energy as I do with God. It’s been both my closest companion, my most feared enemy and my greatest mystery. In spite of my fears, I have faith in sexual energy to heal myself and the world the same way nuns have faith in the Virgin Mary.  I’ve […]

Where is pleasure on your list?

I recently reconnected over the phone with an old girlfriend from high school.  When I told her about my pleasure practice, she laughed and said, “I’ve got a full time job, a husband and teenagers-I don’t have time for pleasure!” Beneath the sarcasm, I could hear the judgment in her voice.  Or maybe it was […]

Following Crazy Desire at Whole Foods

Sometimes I get these wild little ideas, like yesterday, when I hear this voice inside daring me to not wear anything under my dress to the grocery store. Not that I’ve never gone out pantiless. I’ve done many bare bottom dinners with boyfriends over the years. But what makes this different than other pantyless adventures is […]

Get Your Sufi On!

Sexual energy is creative energy.  As I pleasure myself daily, my inner sufi comes out to play.  Here is a new poem: Who cares how many fish are in the sea. I just want to swim in the clear blue water. Feel the grace of my own body as it butterflies out past the waves, remembering […]

Sexual Multitasking: Are you a First, Second or Third Stage Lover?

Sexual chemistry is generated not only by the polarity between two people, but the dynamic tension of masculine and feminine energy within each one of them.  The feminine principle being our capacity to receive and expand into the every-thingness of existence, the masculine principle being our capacity to offer and let go into the no-thingness […]

Why my Bible is in a Drawer and my Vibrator is on the Altar

The movie Frozen has been an unexpected phenomenon, breaking box office records for animated films and winning best original music at the Academy Awards.  Adults and children know all the words to the songs and sing them in theaters along with the movie. How do I know? Because when I saw it I was the […]

Keeping It Wet

If we are the expression of Love’s longing to meet itself, then is it through feeling and expressing our longing that we come to meet the Love that we are? That we attract and/or are drawn to our most loving reflection? Or are able to shift our perceptions of those we have fallen out of […]

Desire’s Dark Secret: How to Feel Desirable Any Time You Want

Because I was introduced to sexual energy (through being molested by a relative) at a very young age, sex has been a driving force in my life, and a close companion, right along side of death and doubt. After decades of being ruled by it, often violated and nearly destroyed by it, I’ve spent the […]

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