Ecstatic Feminestation

Lisa Citore Pleasure

  Dear Sisters, I want to talk to you about something that goes beyond life or death in its level of importance. I want to talk about how to generate the energy and resources you need to live your soul’s gift to the world. Even if you haven’t discovered it yet, you have a unique gift to […]

What do you do to up your Worthiness?

As I practice devotional self pleasure, I feel a quantum forgiveness happening between my inner feminine and masculine aspects– a trust and a trust worthiness to love and be loved more deeply than I’ve ever known.  I’ve come a long way from the day my ex husband told me, “I’m going to destroy you and I’m […]

Pleasure and Inner Peace-My Green Bucket Story

My commitment to pleasure has created so much more spaciousness in my life as well as calmed my nervous system.  Inconveniences that used to unravel me have become a part of life’s divine comedy, bringing even more joy. For example, I’m currently living in a yurt on top of a mountain.  It’s a luxurious yurt […]

Announcing The Women’s Sexual Mystery School!

Hi internet world friends!  Apologies for being so scarce.  I’ve had some life changes.  I’m no longer in relationship with the sweet man I’d been coupling with for the past year.  We had a mutual letting go and it feels really good to be free and on my own again. I’ve been living nomadically for […]

How Do You Discern Between Desires of the Mind Versus the Heart?

 I’m compassionately realizing how much safety women need to open our sexual being, which is often covered with layers of fear, shame, rage and guilt, under layers of what we think we should be feeling or what others have told us we should be feeling. Because our sexuality is intrinsically tied to our feminine identity, […]

Pleasure Heals

  For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been conducting a personal experiment on the relationship between women’s pleasure, specifically sexual pleasure, and health. My commitment is to spend at least thirty minutes a day pleasuring my body, exploring what ignites and inhibits my experience of pleasure, as well as what expands it. My […]

Making Love With Our Resistance

 I’ve been reframing “problems” into “mysteries,” not necessarily to be solved, but to be explored. The older I get the more mysteries I notice in my body. When I consider something to be a problem, I immediately try to fix it as soon as possible. But mysteries aren’t meant to be fixed. They require patience, […]

The Lost Art of Listening

One of the most fundamental practices for healing and opening to our greater feminine receptivity is listening.   Deep listening is so needed on the planet right now, yet it is seldom practiced-especially in our busy world where masculine output is valued more than feminine receptivity.   In processing a long sinus infection, I’ve recently […]

Our Yonis Have Genius, Power and Magic in Them

(I’m sure Goethe would appreciate the twist) Imagine if all women lived from and in devotion to our vaginas. If when we woke in the morning, the first thing we did was pet our furry girls. And when we walked into the kitchen, we’d ask our lady lips what they wanted for breakfast. Imagine how […]

All the Voices Inside My Vagina

It took me ten years to come to terms within myself, let alone share with anyone else, that I had been raped by six of my classmates, some of them my “friends,”  the summer before senior year of high school. It took almost another twenty years to start piecing together memories of  being sexually molested […]

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