If you want to make more money, find your G Spot

Lisa Citore here with another question for my ladies: What do you need to feel in order to make more money? If you answered pleasure… congratulations. You’re already on your way to making more money as we speak. I know what you’re thinking.  You work.  You go to school.  Many of you have kids.  Mine’s […]

Do You Feel Free?

Dear Sister, I have an important question for you: Do you feel totally free? And if not, where in your life do you desire more freedom? Here’s the truth: the foundational nature of the feminine is freedom. Yet due to the roles women play at home and at work, many of us do not feel […]

Ecstatic Embarrassment Syndrome

  I’m currently teaching a women’s sexuality circle, and the morning after the second one, I had both the thought of “Why haven’t I/we been doing this all along?” and “I fully understand why I haven’t led these kinds of circles for years.” Because opening to sexual energy requires nothing less than our complete surrender, […]

The Scent of Desire

My vagina and I are beginning to have real conversations. Though I nicknamed her Penelope, yesterday she told me her real name: “She Who Desires.” I remember this name from past research on Mary Magdalene. Among other translations, Magdalene was a title that meant high priestess, or “high tower,” from Magdala, the small town along […]

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