“According to statistics, the pay gap between men and women – that barometer of shifting power between the sexes – has quietly shrunk to a record low of men earning only 9% more than women, (which granted is still atrocious) and among younger women has shot into reverse.

Women in their 20s now earn a solid 3.6% more on average than men their age, after narrowly overtaking them for the first time last year.” (Gaby Hinsliff, The Observer)

Other than it’s about time, what are the contributing factors to this shift in power?

We can point to women having to work harder both at school and work for the same the opportunities as men, and having developed more skills in the process. But this is only part of the story.

I think women are finally beginning to honor our innate feminine aspects—like receptivity, sensitivity, listening and intuitiveness—and are bringing them into our careers.

What took us so long?

What astounds me is that we haven’t brought our feminine selves into the business world sooner. Women are more relational than men by nature, and all commerce is conducted through creating relationships.

So why have we spent all this time trying to act like men when we have what it takes to succeed—and then some—as women?

Let’s retrace our steps to explore we got here, why it’s changing, and what more we can do.

Differences in sexual development start early in life

As women, our relational nature is our sexual nature.  While infant boys often stop developing their relational abilities at two years old because of all the testosterone running through their bodies, toddler girls continue to deepen their relational skills.

This feminine sexual/relational aspect is what is known as desire, and represents our ability to direct energy.

This experience of sexuality and desire is how we first come to know our feminine nature. Conversely, we first know our masculine nature through pure life force energy.

Trusting and Directing Sexual Energy

To the degree women (and men) trust our feminine nature, which is inherently sexual, is the extent to which we will be able to trust our desire and increase our ability to direct it.

With in an increased ability to direct desire comes more power. Wielding this power wisely relies on masculine and feminine coming together, creating a higher octave of intelligence.  From this place, we will create more of what we want in our lives and in the world.

A Higher Octave of Intelligence

This higher octave intelligence is rare in our culture, and rarer still within the corporate arena.  Why?

Because most of us skipped sexuality 101.

Masculine and feminine require one another to create. Life force is unconscious without its feminine counterpart love. Love without life force has little effect on the physical plane.

What does it require?

This next higher octave of intelligence requires the heart just as much as the will. The heart is where our consciousness expands from our egocentric needs to the needs of the whole.

When we know ourselves as love, we can wield our life force, desire and power to benefit the whole of existence.  Practically speaking, it’s how we can create win-win situations in most any circumstance.

What’s been holding us back?

For starters, two commonly shared beliefs:

False Belief #1: Our sexual energy and expression is for men

It’s time to give our sexual energy to ourselves rather than giving it away. Containing and channeling our feminine sexual energy doesn’t mean shutting it down or cutting ourselves off.  To the contrary, women have the capacity to be turned on 24/7!

The belief that our Goddess given feminine sexual energy is only for the bedroom to be shared with a lover (and usually only one) is a diabolical distortion.

False Belief #2: Men have stronger sex drives than women.

Is this a biological fact or does conditioning play a bigger part than we know regarding feminine sex drive?  After all, it’s our domain!

Maybe scientific facts, like religion, have been deceivingly spun to keep women not just sexually suppressed, but suppressed in the business world as well.

Twenty-something women are breaking free

What I’m suggesting is that women in their twenties are not only making more money than their male colleges because they are smarter and work harder, but also because they are the first generation of women to question these beliefs and fully embrace their feminine sexuality.

So what does a sexually empowered woman look like in the work place?

How is she different from women who dress provocatively and put out their sexual energy to seduce and manipulate men?

For one, she resides in her feminine sexuality, which is neither in competition with men nor seeking anything from them because she has access to her own energy well spring.

Secondly, she experiences her sexual energy vertically, within herself, rather than horizontally, extending it out to others.

This vertical experience of her sexual energy allows a woman to direct energy through her desire as she chooses.  For example, sexual energy can be channeled into creative expression.  And when directed by deep inner knowing and intuition, it becomes genius visionary expression.

So pick up your vibrators ladies, toss them in your laptop bags, and bring your full self—and sexuality—to work!

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