Keep it Wet (2012)
Smart, Sexy Stand-Up Comedy In the winter of 2012-13, Keep It Wet opened to sold-out performances at Center Stage Theater in Santa Barbara, CA. This dramatically irreverent, 90-minute one-woman show fearlessly addresses women’s sexuality, rage, and power. Eliciting both gales of laughter and moments of deep vulnerability, Citore delivers raw, mature truth through stories of her own […]
Sex, Light Addicts & Riding Dragons (2010)
Sex, Light Addicts & Riding Dragons confronts an addiction to enlightenment among spiritual seekers, fear of the shadow parts of ourselves, and how the very things we think are good for us can keep us the most stuck. After sold-out performances and scores of positive reviews, Lisa reworked and expanded this one woman stand-up show […]
Stand-up Debut (2009)
After a bad break-up In the winter of 2009, Lisa Citore delivered her stand-up premier to a packed (100+) wine bar in Santa Barbara, CA. She received a standing ovation, followed by a buzz around town demanding more of her angry and funny female rants. And the rest is history, or more precisely, hers. […]
If You Want to Change the World, Love a Man (2013)
I received so many letters for the Love a Woman poem, I had to write its counterpart, but I needed to grow more first. After a good humbling and coming through the other side, I could bust women’s egos like I did the men’s in Love a Woman. If you want to change the world, […]
If You Want to Change the World, Love a Woman (2008)
When a fairly spiritual male friend of mine who had finally found and was deepening into committed relationship with his soul mate confided in me he was thinking of being single again, and in the next breath expressed his latest idea for raising consciousness worldwide, I wrote this poem. If you want to change the […]
Testosterone (2006)
I love men (I have a bullheaded one living inside of me), but sometimes your ignorance and arrogance makes me want to throw lightning bolts. Testosterone, Sweet cologne, Goddesses gift to her own. I can’t resist your musky mist, wanting more once I’ve been kissed. Testosterone, thorn in my throne, who taints my estrogen ozone […]
Every Woman Keeps a Secret Broom in Her Closet (2006)
Interestingly, I wrote this poem while on a Christian women’s retreat. We were staying at a nun’s sanctuary, which leaves me to think that nuns and witches are more alike than different. Every woman keeps a secret broom in her closet. Not the broom she sweeps the kitchen floor with, the one handed to her […]
How to Tell A Woman She’s Got Nice Breasts – without Getting Slapped (2005)
I envision a world where we can honor and appreciate each other’s beauty without it being violating or threatening to one another-where we feel more alive in the unabashed expression and witnessing of that beauty.First of all you tell her to her face, so she can see yours. Unlike the coward who yells anonymously, “Nice […]
Bleeding in the Boardroom
Perhaps my actions can be traced to the memo that said flex time was being eliminated and all employees were required to be sitting at their desks by eight a.m. sharp or we would be issued a warning. (Three warnings was grounds for automatic termination.) Or maybe it was the equally dehumanizing memo that said […]
White Noise (1998)
Performed at the 1998 Slam Nationals to a standing ovation, quoted on CNN & mentioned in the Wall Street Journal I wrote this poem about the corporation I was working for. At the time I thought I was exaggerating, but later found out my imagination which came out of boredom had more truth in it […]