Flying White Tiger

In honor of the White Tigress, the feminine Tantric archetype and lover of the Jade Dragon, I wrote this poem, the first in the Tao of Sex series. And how can you not write a poem about a sex position entitled Flying White Tiger? Her lips are wide open, watering, hungry. She crouches belly down on all fours, […]

Frog and Butterfly

I created some of my own sex positions and titles, expanding the Tao to include more gay and lesbian erotica.   My fingers are moving sly across your palm like women everywhere lovers spanning time We speak in code flesh as text Striving to convert an inexperienced tongue, I translate braille hieroglyphics on your skin into our herstory. […]

The Bitch

My last period I threw our tv out the window. I hate Saturdays. The kids fight all morning over the Nintendo until I shove them out of the apartment. By the time I clean and grocery shop, I have five minutes to myself before my husband comes home from from work, grabs the remote and […]

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