A poetry, dance and music collaborative interweaving the sensual and the sacred featuring creative renditions of 21 sexual positions of the Tao, The Tao of Sex premiered to a weekend of sold-out performances at University of California at Santa Barbara’s multi-cultural center in 2005. Met by positive reviews exceeding all expectations, Tao of Sex was Lisa’s first theatrical production.

Poetry Excerpts from Tao of Sex:
Flying White Tiger
Frog and Butterfly



If there were three different categories of sex, the first category would be similar to eating collard greens at the dinner table. You don’t want to but you have to. The second category is having your daily yogurt. It tastes good and it’s good for you. The third kind of sex is the chocolate truffle, brandy-fried bananas, or for you southerners, creamy shrimp grits with prosciutto. You eat it cuz it’s Fucking Good. The performance of The Tao of Sex at UCSB was a history lesson on this third category, as the night’s 21 performances weaved from embrace to passion to licking rabbits and experimentation.

– Phil

Ten times the show I expected! We were served heaping, steaming helpin’s of home-cooked, slow-baked goodness. Pure, high-grade, concentrated, undiluted juiciness that inspired me to the center of my core!

– Russ Rogers

Amazing coordination of so many poets, musicians, and dancers! Tasteful and juicy all at the same time! my libido was enthralled!

– Chryssa

Thank you so much for the evening I went with the expectation of a fun evening and got that and more. There were artists there that left an imprint that I never expected. Dancers, poets, and musicians melded their art like I had not seen at the local level before. There was a very visceral response from all of us in the audience. The evening was one that left me wanting more. I could also sense that these artists only scratched the surface of what they have to offer.

– Janna

Awesome work, meticulous weaving of free form, music, dance and spoken word..I was moved in to spine tingling aliveness. More please, your talent and unboundaried sharing of the Tantra joy is healing, freeing, and so needed in this culture.

– Oceanna

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