Pleasure Begets Pleasure

Dancing never fails to wake up my pleasure body.  Even when I’m feeling tired and resistant, if I can just put on some music, move and breathe, something starts to happen inside of me. The breath always opens the door to the dance. I breathe in, invoking my feminine receptivity, allowing the music to penetrate […]

Sex Sets My Black Birds Free

Sundays always bring out the priestess in me.  This morning I’m contemplating the verse in revelations, where the prostitute is riding the beast. Here’s my biblical reframe: What if the prostitute is not a woman who gives into temptation and unworthiness, but one whose love and courage is great enough to tame the beast of […]

Pleasure isn’t necessarily politically correct

Polarity isn’t always something that comes naturally.  But if we want to stay attracted and attractive to our lovers, if we want to continue building sexual tension and chemistry, healthy polarity is a requirement and an art that takes practice. I don’t need to be loved in my romantic relationships.  I love myself enough.  What […]

I See Sex as an Advanced Tonglen Practice

I feel most sexually met in nature.  I love being licked and lapped up by the ocean . I love spreading my legs open and riding rays of sunlight.  I love when the wind’s force tosses me around like puppet on its string. When you’ve been taken by the wind, the sun and the ocean, […]

Only Offering Can Quench Longing’s Thirst

What if you knew you would never be met by your lover in the way your heart most desires?  Or any lover for that matter?  Would you feel depressed?  Or strangely liberated?  Would you pretend not to know? Would you keep trying to get rid of or rise above the sadness?  In some ways I […]

There are as Many Different Kinds of Sexy as there are Galaxies

At the sexual intimacy workshop this weekend, the women learned how to play with heavier emotional states through dance. We came up with character names for our dances. For example, shame might be danced as a subterranean seductress or sadness might be danced as a longing mermaid. Although we had fun summoning our inner warrioresses […]

Pleasure is the Portal to the Feminine Soul

After a full moon sexual intimacy workshop this weekend, during which I also had my moon, this morning I am feeling particularly ravenous.  I hunger to be penetrated. I hunger for cock.  Not just my man’s, but all of the men’s cocks in the workshop. When I tell my man this, he is both triggered […]

How Deeply Can You Receive?

Did you know receiving requires more emotional capacity and intelligence than giving? My man is both intimidated and intrigued by my pleasure practice.  He is excited of course to be a participant, but not so keen on the idea of going public with our sex life. “What are you going to say about me?” he […]

V-Day 2014: The Multi-Orgasmic Revolution Begins

On this V-Day, I invite women (and men) all over the world to join me in a year long blogging experiment devoted to feminine pleasure.   As a teacher of sacred sexuality and a pleasure activist for many years, I have been particularly curious about the relationship between women’s pleasure and women’s health, happiness and […]

Lean in close

…and let me tell you a story. Read this poem in the meantime and let me know what you think.

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