Bring the Women’s Sexual Mystery School® to your Town!

woman lying on ground with arm outstretched towards you.

The Women’s Sexual Mystery School® is for Women of all ages and experience to reclaim our Feminine Power, Creative Expression and Wisdom through Pleasure. This nine month journey to birthing your greatest Mystery begins whenever you choose.

How it Works:

Nine one-day monthly sessions in your living room or a community meeting space of your choice in your hometown. As workshop sponsor, you are responsible for gathering the women and arranging a local community space or living room for us to meet each month. I offer a sliding scale fee, depending on my travel expenses. Gather as many women as you like and split the cost. More participants, less cost per woman. Less participants, higher cost and higher intimacy ratio. You decide. I show up once a month to teach a day-long session based on nine modules I crafted from years of Tantric study and my own sexual exploration and experimentation. Participants each receive a monthly one-on-one check in with me. There is also a private online forum for all participants to communicate with each other. I will need accommodations Friday through either Saturday or Sunday, depending on the distance traveled. I also offer a teaser weekends (see below) so you and your friends can decide if the 9-month course is right for you. Birthing your full feminine sexual expression is no different than birthing a child. It is a life changing endeavor that requires time to integrate your experiences and is well worth the commitment.

During the nine month course, you will learn how to:

two hands holding lotus
  • Relax, feel happy in your body and enjoy your life
  • Supercharge your health and vitality through pleasure
  • Cultivate your feminine powers of desire, arousal and attraction for more passion in sexual union
  • Heal sexual wounds and form a new loving partnership with your inner and outer masculine
  • Expand your feminine capacities to trust, surrender and receive for deeper intimacy in your relationships
  • Activate your intuitive body wisdom
  • Channel your sexual energy into creative inspiration
  • Generate wealth and abundance in your life through the art of feminestation
  • Embody your feminine divinity and offer her as a blessing to the world

What makes this sexual mystery school different from other Tantra and Taoist schools?

The Women’s Sexual Mystery School® is specifically designed for women and the awakening of feminine sexuality. In my years of Tantric study, I’ve found that most of what has been written and is being taught comes from masculine traditions. The practices are designed for male bodies and male brains to help men become more vital and conscious. But women’s bodies and how we experience sexual energy is different from men. Through experimenting with many different Tantric practices and refining them to make more sense in my female body, I’m excited to share a new, more feminine based school of sacred sexuality. Or more accurately, an ancient one, as I believe the teachings come from a matriarchal lineage that I, and all women, hold within our bodies.

For a comprehensive long version with descriptions of each module, practical details and costs, email me at and I’ll send you a PDF with all the essentials. Then we’ll talk.

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