Bloodlines opened in Santa Barbara, CA at Center Stage Theater in March of 2007 to a two-week sold-out run. Inspired by writer-director Lisa Citore’s daughter’s first period and coming of age, Bloodlines is a collection of 13 moon time stories from women of different cultures and generations, ranging from poetically profound to wickedly outrageous, interwoven with dance and musical instruments from around the world.

Poetry Excerpts

Bleeding in the Boardroom

The Bitch

Video Excerpts


Some pieces of the show are hilarious, wicked, edgy-others are beautiful and profound. But all of them recognize the mystery that is within us, and the beauty of the feminine aspects of the world as expressed through menstruation.

Santa Barbara News Press Interview (March 17, 2007)

While one monologue features a woman announcing, ‘being on the rag is about as much fun as going clubbing with my mother,’ Bloodlines is more fun than clubbing with the girlfriends. I loved the evocative dance that framed each piece: red, white, sensual, with everything from a red-feathered pillow fight to glowing poi balls. Bloodlines made me laugh, sometimes in spite of myself.

Felicia Tomasko for Edhat

intriguing, strangely satisfying uproariously funny!

 Santa Barbara Independent

“imaginative, evocative, hugely entertaining!”

– Casa Magazine

“comic, deeply emotional… always honest.”

– Santa Barbara News Press

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